Mires Mens Community Group 
It's Okay to not be Okay 
In England, around 1 in 8 men have a common mental health problem. However, men may be reluctant to seek support for their mental health or discuss mental health problems to loved ones. While many of the same difficulties are experienced by both men and women, some difficulties and influences on mental health may be especially relevant for men. We are keen to establish a Mires Beck group especially at this time when many people are suffering the affects of isolation.  
How Eco-Therapy can help 
More and more doctors are prescribing non-clinical tactics to help the mind- Eco-Therapy is one of those. Mires Beck Nursery is a charity that has been delivering green therapy to people with learning difficulties for over 25 years. Eco-Therapy or green therapy is a term for nature-based approaches to healing. It is the act of doing outdoor activities in nature for therapeutic treatment. The biggest offer we can provide to help those struggling is horticultural therapy, including care of our natural site of 14 acres made up of woodland, meadows and gardens as well as our commercial nursery. Horticultural works such as: planting seedlings, taking cuttings, mixing compost, to gardening task's of digging soil, weeding garden beds, and trimming leaves is typical within our opperation. This varied green work is our main source of Eco-Therapy for our service users as it helps them develop their overall sense of well-being as they get physical and mental benefit. 
How people help maintain our site 
We can offer help in many of our teams but, many men tend to volunteer to help our grounds care team. In our grounds care team, their work is very varied. The team maintain the 14 acre rural horticulture site and carry out all the countryside management our nursery, meadows and woodland require. This is a hug undertaking of mowing meadows, planting wildflowers throughout the woods and managing the planting of young trees. From splitting giant logs and clearing pathways in the woods, to felling trees for conservation or to fuel our log burners. They support the conservation aims and help with developing the projects around the site. The team maintains our rabbit proof boundaries and general fencing requirements as well as general path maintenance around the nursery as well as helping in joinery projects were we produce items for sale. Access to the site is also maintained by the team who regularly manage the vital work to the rural approach road for all traffic into the nursery. 
Mires Mens Group 
Getting together with like-minded people can help relieve symptoms of loneliness or boredom, which can lead to negative feelings or lack of physical activity. Mires mens group aims to affect social connections and friendship building, sharing skills and knowledge and having fun. If you are interested in joining this group please Contact Us. 
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