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Sorbus aucuparia (Rowan) 

Other Names: Mountain Ash, Rowen-berry, Quickbeam, European Mountain Ash 
Description: Rowans trees are small in size and often have a rounded crown. They have a smooth grey-silver bark and the buds on each twig are always hairy. The leaves are long, oval and toothed and “Pinnate” (like a feather). Flowers are I large creamy white clusters which, after pollination turn into vivid scarlet bunches of berries. However it is common for the berries to be coloured from yellow, through orange and into dark red. It is common in open woodlands, hedges, heaths and rocky places though it is often planted as an ornamental tree for its beauty. 
Uses: The wood is a pale brown colour with a darker brown heartwood. It is strong hard and tough not very durable. It is sometimes used in wood turning, craftwork, engraving and furniture. The berries are edible though bitter on their own but they are rich in vitamin C and can make an excellent jelly. 
Conservation Value: The leaves are a food source for several moths including the larger welsh wave and the autumn green carpet. The flowers are a source of nectar for many insects and the berries are an invaluable source of late autumn berries for many species of bird. 
Preferred Locations: This species favours acid soils of clays, sands and loams and thrives in both full and partial shade. 
Size: Up to 15m in height and with a canopy spread of between 4 and 8m. 
Time to reach full height: 20 to 50 years 
Lifespan: Up to 200 years 

Sorbus aria (Whitebeam) 

Other Names: Common Whitebeam 
Description: A deciduous, broadleaved and compact trees most often found in parks and gardens than in the wild these days. The leaves are oval and toothed and the flowers are white cream appear in clusters in May. The clusters of fruits are a vivid scarlet colour and appear in autumn. 
Uses: Whitebeam timber is fine grained, hard and white. It is often used in wood turning and fine joinery such as the making of chairs, beams, cogs and wheels. 
Conservation Value: The flowers are a source of pollen for insects and the berries are a good food source for birds. Its leaves are also a food source for several moth species. 
Preferred Locations: The tree is quite tolerant of most soil types including chalk, limestone and acidic locations but does not do well in damp areas. Full sun to partial shade areas are ideal. 
Size: Up to 15m and with a canopy spread in the region of 4 to 8m. 
Time to reach full height: 20 to 50 years 
Lifespan: 100 to 200 years