Mires Beck Woodland Walk 

Our woodland is young having only had 30 years so far to mature and there is still a lot of new undergrowth being planted this year as part of the ongoing management. Thanks to funding from various supporters, this year we have also planted another 2000 trees to help balance the various tree species needed to provide habitat for wildlife and help the wood self seed. It is quite magical with a miandering walk where the service users are able to listen and spot the birds nesting here and around the local waters. We train our service users about the variety of trees and what fruits for wildlife they produce. Our teams learn about tree health and about the bugs which feed in the undergrowth and we have activities on public event open days for people to learn from the fact sheets. 
Our Grounds Care Team help to maintain these woods but we still need constant volunteer support to help take care of this peaceful walk. We are also working together with local health professionals to offer people as a means to recovery from illness. The wood is open for service users during the week and for local community for based activities at other times. 
We have also planted a new Silver Birch crop of 300 trees for public adoption as family trees or for memorial purposes. This are is known as the Jubilee Wood.  

CO2 Offsetting 

Did you know that 1 acre of mature woodland absorbs 2500kg (2.5 tonnes) per year. 
Well we have 6.5 acres of woodland altogether on site and though not all is mature we could be offsetting around 15,000kg (15 tonnes) of CO2 each year! 
Our woodland is a peaceful environment for our service users and we are now working with local children’s activity groups during school breaks to experience the nature of the wood. We are also working with wellness therapists to hold Mindfulness walks and other holistic activities in and around the woodland. Please visit the What’s On page or Contact Us for information. 

Woodland Walk Video 

We are developing a new forest school for 2021. In the meantime, we are working with a local children's activity provider 'Children Who Can' and below is a video of yesterday's activities: 

The Route 

You can download a PDF map of the Woodland Walk route below. We also have a Tree Info fact sheet designed to help identify tree leaves and to provide interesting facts.