General Responsibilities for Health & Safety - Trustees 
The board of trustees are responsible for ensuring that the policy enables the company to fulfil its legal duties and emphasises the determination to manage its activities so that standards of health and safety are continuously improved. 
They will monitor conditions and the health and safety performance to determine whether the policy is adequately resourced, effective and is being developed to meet changing requirements. 
It will be the board of trustees' responsibility to ensure that: 
• Systems are in place to review and update this policy annually, when major staffing changes occur or when new equipment is introduced 
• Health and safety objectives for the company are set and monitored 
• Sufficient arrangements, facilities and finances are available for fully implementing this policy 
• Safe systems of work are in operation and staff receive adequate and appropriate training 
• Ensuring that appropriate financial requirements for the company's health and safety function are contained within the legal resources 
• Ensuring the legal implications of relevant legislation are raised with, and understood by the relevant employees 
• Ensuring adequate resources are made available to allow the effective implementation of the company's health and safety policy