Clean Air Day at Mires Beck
Clean Air Day is about the community, businesses, the health sector, and schools coming together to improve the public understanding of air pollution, and to build awareness of how air pollution affects our health.
Clean Air Day is led by the Global Action Plan.
Air pollution annually causes 36,000 deaths in the UK. The UK Government and World Health Organisation has recognised that air pollution is the largest environmental health risk. Heart and lung disease is caused by poor air quality, and is link to low birth weight and any problems with childrens' lungs.
At Mires Beck Nursery, we provide organisations with lots of our trees to take part in the Government's Green Action Plan. We also try our best to encourage people to grow their own fruit and vegetables at home, so they don't have to drive to the shops as much. This all contributes to reducing carbon dioxide, and clearing the air.
Please donate to our charity to enable us to expand our site to grow more trees to help clean the air for our environment.

All projects require fundraising and we are always looking for new sponsors and volunteers to help us realise the future aspirations to maintain the charity and help it to thrive. If you would like to help please contact us.