Father's Day at Mires Beck
Father's Day is a special day to spoil your Dad rotten, by giving him lots of presents and a big Father's Day card!
Father's Day was originally founded in the United States by Sonora Smart Dodd, and celebrated it on the 3rd Sunday of June in 1910. Internationally, this celebration is held on various dates across the world, along with different traditions of honouring their Fathers.
For example, in Germany, Father's Day takes place the 40th day of Easter, where the men dress up in odd-looking outfits, and pull wagons full of alcohol into the woods!
At Mires Beck Nursery, we have created lots of woodcraft, such as bug hotels and bird feeders, which are the perfect gifts to give to Dad this year!
We also have some beautiful herbs that have been potted up into terracotta pots! You can even bring a basket or any suitable container for us to plant up for your Dad, or you can try yourselves at home!

Please come to our retail area to purchase our amazing Father's Day gifts, and you can help us by donating to our charity, so that we can buy more materials to make beautiful woodcraft work.

All projects require fundraising and we are always looking for new sponsors and volunteers to help us realise the future aspirations to maintain the charity and help it to thrive. If you would like to help please contact us.