National Growing for Wellbeing Week at Mires Beck 

National Growing for Wellbeing Week celebrates the benefits that growing your own produce can do for your wellbeing, mentally and physically. 
1 in 4 people in the UK have a mental health problem every year, and that has risen significantly during COVID-19, so this year let's try to attempt to grow some of our own food plants and herbs to help better our mental health! 
At Mires Beck Nursery, our service users are helping Suzanne who is our volunteer lead in this area, grow our vegetables on site which we are selling alongside vegetable plants. Our service users suffer from mental health issues and coming to work at Mires Beck improves their mental health and overall wellbeing and they feel very proud to know that people are buying to eat what they have produced. They will be talking to you this week about how much growing produce helps their mental wellbeing. We also enable our service users to grow our wildflowers, perennials and herbs. 
Why not try to join an allotment group to get involved in a vegetable patch, or create a small vegetable and herb area at home and grow your own produce. This can even be done in patio pots. This is a great way to get out of the house, into the fresh air, while growing fresh fruit and veg! If you are in our area, you are welcome to come and volunteer in our plant and vegetable production. 
Come to our retail area in North Cave to buy your 20L bags of peat-free compost for your allotment starter pack, for only £2.80! 
Please donate to our charity to help us provide more easy-use tools and equipment for our service users to continue their growth. 
All projects require fundraising and we are always looking for new sponsors and volunteers to help us realise the future aspirations to maintain the charity and help it to thrive. If you would like to help please contact us.