Insect Week at Mires Beck 

Insect Week is about encouraging people to become aware of and learn more about insects, and this year's theme is butterflies! 
Mires Beck is supporting the Hull Butterfly City project which has been planting Alder Buckthorn in the city to encourage the Brimstone Butterfly
The Royal Entomological Society organises Insect Week every 2 years, and it is supported by lots of partner organisations who are interested in the natural history, science, and conservation of insects. 
Did you know that a dung beetle can drag 1141 times its own weight? That's equilavent to a human pulling 6 double-decker buses! 
At Mires Beck Nursery, we will be handing out a Minibeast Hunt filling out sheet to our service users to help them learn about the wildlife we have all around Mires Beck. 
You can join in with Insect Week by downloading fun activity sheets from the RSPB website, including 'Spot it!' and 'Nature Detective Equipment'! 
We also have lots of amazing wildlife too at Mires Beck Nursery. You can download our Minibeast Hunt sheet below to find them around our site! Please donate to our charity to help us afford magnifying glasses and containers for our service users to learn about wildlife in more depth. 
All projects require fundraising and we are always looking for new sponsors and volunteers to help us realise the future aspirations to maintain the charity and help it to thrive. If you would like to help please contact us.