Giving Tuesday at Mires Beck 

Giving Tuesday is a day where everyone can do something to support the causes that mean so much to them. 
This is an opportunity for charities to raise awareness of the importance of donating. 
Practical Action raises awareness about how COVID-19 has changed how we do daily things in a way that is better for the environment. If you would like to hear more about this, please click here
Mires Beck Nursery supplies trees to landowners and forestry partners who are expanding tree planting through funding streams managed by organisations, such as HAYwoods in East Riding of Yorkshire. There are many organisations committed to the government environmental plan to plant hectors of trees with projects, such as The Northern Forest. There are many partners involved in this project who we are working with closely to create woodland habitats across Hull and East Riding. Planting these trees will benefit species, such as roe deer, hedgehogs, greater spotted woodpecker, common shrew, common buzzard and many more. 
For Giving Tuesday, to help us, you could mention Mires Beck Nursery in your #MyGivingStory on social media where you mention how you have contributed to the charity. 
If you would like to celebrate Giving Tuesday by donating to us, we have a Just Giving website where you can make your contribution to giving our service users, staff and volunteers better facilities to work with us. 
You can volunteer, donate money/goods/food/clothes, share skills, campaign, and much more. 
All projects require fundraising and we are always looking for new sponsors and volunteers to help us realise the future aspirations to maintain the charity and help it to thrive. If you would like to help please contact us.