Downs Syndrome Day - 21st March 

We will be holding a competition of the best embellished different coloured puppet socks. This will be £3 for 2 socks to enter the competition. This will be to raise money for our new greenhouse chairs. The reason for this competition is because Downs Syndrome Day is usually celebrated by wearing odd socks for #LotsOfSocks. 
Entry date deadline: Monday 14th March 
Draw date: Monday 21st March 
Prize: 2 pairs of your very own Mires Beck socks! 

Complimentary Therapy Week (20th-27th March) 

Wellbeing from the inside out presents a 2 hour session on steps to a better wellbeing. 
This is a taster session for a 6 week course in understanding and improving your overall wellbeing. 
Mires Beck nursery will be running natural health classes throughout the week. From outdoor Yoga, introduction to mindfulness and wellbeing, and other therapies. 
Tea Tasting session - 19th March 
Thank you to Akasha Spa for sponsoring this event for us. 

Autism Awareness Week - 28th March-4th April 

Mires Beck Nursery will be sharing stories of our Service Users who live with Autism and illustrating how the Green Therapy we offer helps all our Service Users. We will get stories from Employees, Family Members, and the Service Users themselves. To help support our Service Users you can find what we are doing on My Best Self campaign on our website 

Mother's Day 19th-26th March 

Mother's Day is that one special day we provide our Mums the very best day we can give her, for taking care of us, being there for our ups and downs, and celebrating our greatest achievements with us. To celebrate this day children and adults tend to give their mother lovely gifts which they enjoy. 
A good gift idea could be a gift voucher for our willow weaving class which is running in May. This would be a nice feature to add into her garden. 
This year we have got lots of Mother’s Day Gifts in our Gift Shop, we have got local stall holders on site selling lovely gifts for our mums. The shop is open 19th to 26th March, 10am-4pm. 
Treat your loving mother to a wonderful afternoon tea in a tranquil, rural setting on Saturday 26th March for £20 for 2. There is a selection of sandwiches, pastries and cakes for everyone to enjoy. Click on the button below to see the menu. 
Enjoy a special offer of 10% off selected plants on the day when buying an afternoon tea for 2. 
To book afternoon tea, please contact or phone 01430 421543.