National Cake Day at Mires Beck 

In the 18th Century of France, Marie Antoinette said "let them eat cake!" 
The word "cake" came from the Vikings, when they called it "kaka" from the Old Norse language. 
The ancient Greeks called it "plakous", which was from their word for "flat". They made cake out of eggs, flour, milk, nuts, and honey. They called flat heavy cake a "satura". 
The Romans named their cake "placenta", which was from the Greek term for a baklava-type dessert of pastry leaves with crushed nuts covered in honey. Their cake "placenta" was baked on a base of pastry or inside a pastry case. 
At Mires Beck, staff have made Christmas themed cakes for us all to share on our last day at the nursery before we break up for Christmas (18th December), and Charlotte (one of our service users) has made her contribution by making one of her famous cake toppers! 
The best way to celebrate cake day is to eat lots of cake! You can either buy them from your local shop or have fun making the cakes yourself. Yeast cakes are one of the oldest types and have a similar texture to bread. 
Here are a few delicious ideas to get you started: 
- Victoria Sponge 
- Lemon Cheesecake 
- Red Velvet Cake 
-Yellow Butter Cake 
- Carrot Cake 
You could bake cakes, and promote your own fundraiser by asking your friends and family to donate money to our Just Giving page for one of your cakes! We would of course love to see all of the delicious cakes you have been making. 
All projects require fundraising and we are always looking for new sponsors and volunteers to help us realise the future aspirations to maintain the charity and help it to thrive. If you would like to help please contact us.