Bee...a friend 
....and join the Friends of Mires Beck 
For only £15 a year you will be helping to provide funds for extra resources for trainees - equipment...trips...crafts...and Mires Beck's ambitious development plans. 
The 'Friends' have been supporting Mires Beck Nursery for nearly 20 years and area always keen to welcome new members and ideas. 
The 'Friends' are run by a committee of our own members, but we work closely with the nrusery. Our role is to raise funds through membership fees and fundraising and to promote the work of the nursery in the local community. 
As a Friend of Mires Beck you are kept in touch with events through our colourful newsletter, which is sent three times a year, as well as through emails and ...... you are offered a generous 15% discount on most plant sales at the nursery. 
So - Why not be a friend ....... and join the Friends today! 
Please Contact:  
Telephone: 01430 421543