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Our Trustees panel includes 6 professionals who manage the compliance acitivities, finance and legal functions for the charity. Their knowledge and expertise spans a wide range of skills to suit the charity's needs including : Finance, Horticulture, Medical Advise, Learning & Development, Volunteer Services and Parent trustee support. Our management have the expertise in Support Services and HR, Business Development, Marketing, Buying & Operations.  
Our prime purpose has always been and always will be to enhance the lives of our service users. We seek to give them greater self-esteem, skills and confidence in an authentic workplace environment. We aim to strengthen their ability to express their unique personalities working within various teams, each experiencing differing aspects of horticultural work and in doing this help improve their physical abilities. This affords more opportunity for integration and social interaction. 
The growing of plants on a commercial basis and conservation enhancement of the whole estate is the main means by which we seek to achieve that end. Plans for the future development of the site are aimed at increasing the number of service users we can accommodate, increasing the range of skills we can impart to them and improving the environment within which they operate. 
In this we will sustain any expansion befitting the environment through seeking funding for the development of the charity’s cause and from commercial enterprise seek to take full opportunity where it exists to supply plants and trees from the nursery with robust business planning. We foresee a first class facility for East Yorkshire where the community will feel connected as we develop the site for more public engagement.